Perfection is in the Details

Correct and complete specifications are essential to a good building process. It’s important to have a home builder and designer who make home specifications brief and exact. Specifications list each item of materials required to complete a contract.

Great care should be used when writing specifications. This reduces misunderstandings. Each item used for building the entire project should be defined and described. The descriptions should be so precise that there aren’t any misunderstandings or double interpretations. The team at McCoy Custom Homes go above and beyond for our customers. Here are a few reasons East Texans love us.

  • Enjoy Our Expertise

    We have over 35 years experience in planning specifications.

  • Get Any Floorplan

    No floor plan is a challenge. Give us any floor plan, and we’ll give you the specifications.

  • Save Money

    Mistakes made in the specifications can translate into additional costs to you.